Having a package shipped is a main touch point that’s direct between a business that’s in the digital field, and also the customers that buy from you. Having that connection is vital, because the correct connection means a growing business. The smart business owner will use these unboxing experiences to their advantage, and it will in turn, help customers feel more thrilled when they get packages directly from you.
Packaging Thrills
Packaging is something that might seem like nothing, but think about it: didn’t you get excited back when you were a kid when you got a package. It seemed super huge, and for a lot of people, it’s something that’s ingrained within us, since it offers a rush and the adrenaline that happens when you open up packages.
It also is important to consider that the feeling doesn’t ever truly go away, and there are people who will purchase items again based on if they have custom packaging, and over 540% of those same people will also show it to others, and there are many who also will take it the extra step and then spread the word directly onto social media. So yes, unboxing is important, not just for the current customer base and customer retention, but also to show off to other people the importance of a product, and the hype surrounding it. How is it done? Well, here are a few ways to make it possible.
Branding is one of the best ways, and it’s something that you should be ready to take advantage of when you’re getting items ready to ship to customers.
If you let people know that it’s from you, people will get excited, and that’ll increase the chances of it being something that’s fun for the customer, and it’ll get them excited to buy from you again.
Obviously, you may not have the shipping budget that the retail giants like amazon do, but if you’re able to make it so that you’re able to showcase the brand, then you’ll definitely be able to show it off.
Even just a sticker can do it. and it’s cheap too, so you don’t have to worry about breaking the bank.
Go Custom
It’s definitely important that you have a custom sort of means to show off the packaging.
You don’t want to give them an item that doesn't fit within the packaging, and you’ll want to make sure that it fits as closely as you can. You want to make sure that the packaging is professional, as best as you can with this.
Youwnat to make sure that the packaging is made specifically for the item that you're selling. Obviously, you may worry about the costs of this, but if you choose something that looks good, and offers a unique means for the product to be housed, that’ll be good.
In the same vein, you want to make sure that it’s neat too. Being able to be neat is also really good for this. Having a snug and clean look is vital to the success of your unboxing experience. Loose items look bag, not just because it’s liable to break, but also, it just looks ugly. Having this properly secured with the right means is vital, and you should make sure that you have it properly sitting in the box, not housed in a bunch of Styrofoam, and looking terrible.
Finally, get personal with this. write them a note of thanks, or even shove a free gift in there. Whatever the case, be able to show to them that not only do you care but you thank them for their patronage with your shipping products.
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